Business case


This document outlines the details and key activities required for effective delivery of the Business Case.


The Business Case is typically developed in the propose stage and provides the rationale for initiating an investment and analysis of all options to determine if the project is viable.

The purpose of the Business Case is to capture both the business need and how the proposed investment meets that need. It provides justification for the project to guide decision makers, stakeholders and the project delivery team.

The Business Case is reviewed and verified by the relevant authority at key decision points during the project, such as Assurance Reviews (AR).

The following provides a list of the typical contents of a Business Case:

  1. Executive summary
  2. Phase 1: The opportunity – Strategic case for change:
    1. current organisation position and context
    2. business problem/opportunity
    3. strategic vision and proposed business response
    4. business requirements
  3. Phase 2: Options analysis
    1. market scan including jurisdictional and product based
    2. options for consideration and analysis
    3. recommended option
  4. Phase 3: Implementation – Plan for implementing the recommended solution:
    1. delivery roadmap including time, costs and resources
    2. program/project management methodology including governance
    3. benefits management
    4. project management control elements

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