

This guideline applies to all public sector organisations as defined in Part 5 of the Information Act 2002.


To assist public sector organisations with their accountability requirements in the processes required to dispose of temporary value records identified for destruction.


This guideline is issued by the Department of Corporate and Information Services (NT Records Service) under s 131A(c) of the Information Act 2002.

This Guideline must be read in association with the Disposal Standard in the NT public sector organisations records and information management standards.

Unauthorised destruction of a record is an offence under s145 of the Information Act 2002.

Records not to be destroyed

Records of permanent value, and any records created prior to 1 July 1978, must not be destroyed.

Records that relate to any current or pending legal action, or which are subject to a FOI request under the Information Act 2002, must not be destroyed until all action has been completed.

Records subject to a current disposal freeze must not be destroyed. Records subject to a freeze generally relate to a particular topic, or event, that has gained prominence or provokes controversy. While a freeze is in place, no records relating to that topic or event can be destroyed.

For information on current disposal freezes refer to Library and Archives NT advice on records disposal freezes.


For information and advice contact Records Policy Unit.