Definitions and glossary


ArchivesRecords of permanent value that forms part of the Northern Territory Archives.
Archives ServiceThe organisation established to perform the archives functions for the Northern Territory. At the time of publication this is the NT Archives Service of the Department of Tourism and Culture.
Business systemA system which stores and manages information to automate business activities and processes, including policy, procedures and business rules governing its use.
ClassificationSystematic identification and arrangement of business activities and/or records into categories according to logically structured conventions, methods and procedural rules represented in a classification system.
Contractual ArrangementsA formal agreement between two or more parties, including between PSOs. Contractual arrangements include, but are not limited to, procurement contracts, funding contracts, deeds, contracts under seal, service level agreements, exchange of letters, and grant agreements.
CustodianThe individual or agency that has the responsibility for the creation, collection, use, rule setting and integrity of the data.
DisposalDisposal of a record includes transferring the possession or control of the record; destroying, donating or selling the record; also includes damaging or abandoning a record. (18)
InformationKnowledge communicated or received. The result of processing, gathering, manipulating and organising data in a way that adds to the knowledge of the receiver.
Information AssetA body of information which is defined and managed as a single collection so it can be understood, shared, protected and exploited effectively. Information assets have recognisable and manageable value, risk, content and lifecycles.
MetadataStructured or semi-structured information which serves to provide context or additional information about other information [“data about data”]. For example, information which enables the creation, management and use of records through time.
Protective MarkingProtective markings are security labels assigned to official information which indicate the minimum level of security protection required. For example: security classifications; dissemination limiting markers; caveats.
RecordRecorded information in any form (including data in a computer system) that is required to be kept by a PSO as evidence of the activities or operations of the organisation.
Records ManagementAn integrated framework of governance arrangements, processes, systems, and tools that enable organisations to create and maintain trustworthy evidence of business activity in the form of records.
Records Management SystemA system which manages the capture, maintenance and disposal of records. Records management systems maintain evidence of business transactions in accordance with organisational policy and procedure (includes business systems which keep records). A records management system can consist of technical elements, such as software, and non-technical elements including policy, procedures, people and other agents, and assigned responsibilities.
Records ServiceThe organisation established to perform the records functions for the Territory. (This involves standards setting and provision of advice at a whole of jurisdiction level. At time of publication this is the Digital Policy Unit of the Office of Digital Government, Department of Corporate and Information Services).
Unstructured InformationUnstructured information refers to information that is not contained within a database, or organized in some pre-defined manner, and which has no defined data structure or model giving the information context. Examples of unstructured information include word processing documents, emails, spreadsheets, and instant messages.


AcronymsFull form
DLMDissemination Limiting Marker
FOUOFor Official Use Only
NTNorthern Territory
NTGNorthern Territory Government
NTG PSOPublic sector organisation listed as an agency in the Administrative Arrangements Order
PSOPublic Sector Organisation as defined in section 5 of the Information Act 2002
PSPFProtective Security Policy Framework


To find out more, contact the Record and Information Management team.