Key references and footnotes

Australian and international standards

  • International Standards Organisation 2010, Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments: Module 3: Guidelines and function requirements for records in business systems, ISO 16175-3:2010(E).
  • International Organisation for Standardization 2016, Information and documentation - Records management - Part 1: Concepts and principles, ISO 15489-1:2016(E).
  • Standards Australia International 2002, Records Management - Part 2: Guidelines, AS ISO 15489.2 - 2002.
  • Standards Australia Limited/Standards New Zealand 2012, Information and documentation - Management systems for recordkeeping - Fundamentals and vocabulary, AS/NZS ISO 30300 - 2012: (ISO 30300:2011, MOD)
  • Standards Australia Limited/Standards New Zealand 2012, Information and documentation - Management systems for recordkeeping - Requirements, AS/NZS ISO 30301 - 2012: (ISO 30301:2011, MOD)
  • Standards Australia Limited/Standards New Zealand 2015, Recordkeeping metadata property reference set (RMPRS), AS/NZS 5478:2015

Information Act (NT)

  • Information Act 2022

Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF) - Security classification

  • Protective Security Policy Committee (approved November 2014; amended April 2015), Information Security Management Guidelines: Australian Government Security Classification System, Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra.
  • Protective Security Policy Committee (approved 21 June 2011; amended April 2015), Information Security Management Guidelines: Protectively Marking and Handling Sensitive and Security Classified Information, Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra.
  • Protective Security Policy Committee (approved 1 November 2014; amended April 2015), Protective Security Governance Guidelines: Basic Impact Levels, Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra
  1. Information Act 2002, s 131
  2. Information Act 2002, s 131(2)
  3. Information Act 2002, s 134
  4. Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment 2011, Code of Conduct - Employment Instruction 12. See section 14.
  5. Standards Australia 2006, Information and documentation - Records management processes - Metadata for records - Part 1: Principles, AS ISO 23081.1:2006
  6. Specifications for recordkeeping functionality in business systems should be based on: International Standards Organisation 2010, Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments: Module 3: Guidelines and function requirements for records in business systems, ISO 16175-3:2010(E).
  7. Standards Australia Limited/Standards New Zealand 2015, Recordkeeping metadata property reference set (RMPRS), AS/NZS 5478:2015
  8. Standards Australia 2006, Long-term preservation of electronic document-based information. AS ISO 18492-2006: See section 6.4 Migrating electronic document-based information, and section 6.4.4 Migration to standard formats, p 12
  9. Attorney-General’s Department, Protective Security Policy Framework Home Page, Australian Government. Available from:
  10. Protective Security Policy Committee (approved November 2014, amended April 2015), Information Security Management Guidelines: Australian Government Security Classification System, Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra.
  11. NT Archives Service, Appraisal characteristic statement for the identification of permanent public sector organisations records.
  12. Information Act 2002, s 145(2)(b)
  13. NT Archives Service 2003, Disposal Schedule for Records of Short Term Value, No.2003/10
  14. Information Act 2002, s 145
  15. NTG PSOs should refer to the Media Destruction Standard when disposing of records storage media.
  16. NT Archives Service; NT Records Service 2011 (Aug), Records Disposal Freeze Policy for NT Public Sector Organisations
  17. NT Archives Service 2007 (Aug), Transfer of archives (Archives Management Standard)
  18. Definition based on Information Act 2002 definition.


To find out more, contact the Record and Information Management team.