Key references and footnotes
Australian and international standards
- International Standards Organisation 2010, Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments: Module 3: Guidelines and function requirements for records in business systems, ISO 16175-3:2010(E).
- International Organisation for Standardization 2016, Information and documentation - Records management - Part 1: Concepts and principles, ISO 15489-1:2016(E).
- Standards Australia International 2002, Records Management - Part 2: Guidelines, AS ISO 15489.2 - 2002.
- Standards Australia Limited/Standards New Zealand 2012, Information and documentation - Management systems for recordkeeping - Fundamentals and vocabulary, AS/NZS ISO 30300 - 2012: (ISO 30300:2011, MOD)
- Standards Australia Limited/Standards New Zealand 2012, Information and documentation - Management systems for recordkeeping - Requirements, AS/NZS ISO 30301 - 2012: (ISO 30301:2011, MOD)
- Standards Australia Limited/Standards New Zealand 2015, Recordkeeping metadata property reference set (RMPRS), AS/NZS 5478:2015
Information Act (NT)
- Information Act 2022
Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF) - Security classification
- Protective Security Policy Committee (approved November 2014; amended April 2015), Information Security Management Guidelines: Australian Government Security Classification System, Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra.
- Protective Security Policy Committee (approved 21 June 2011; amended April 2015), Information Security Management Guidelines: Protectively Marking and Handling Sensitive and Security Classified Information, Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra.
- Protective Security Policy Committee (approved 1 November 2014; amended April 2015), Protective Security Governance Guidelines: Basic Impact Levels, Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra
- Information Act 2002, s 131
- Information Act 2002, s 131(2)
- Information Act 2002, s 134
- Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment 2011, Code of Conduct - Employment Instruction 12. See section 14.
- Standards Australia 2006, Information and documentation - Records management processes - Metadata for records - Part 1: Principles, AS ISO 23081.1:2006
- Specifications for recordkeeping functionality in business systems should be based on: International Standards Organisation 2010, Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments: Module 3: Guidelines and function requirements for records in business systems, ISO 16175-3:2010(E).
- Standards Australia Limited/Standards New Zealand 2015, Recordkeeping metadata property reference set (RMPRS), AS/NZS 5478:2015
- Standards Australia 2006, Long-term preservation of electronic document-based information. AS ISO 18492-2006: See section 6.4 Migrating electronic document-based information, and section 6.4.4 Migration to standard formats, p 12
- Attorney-General’s Department, Protective Security Policy Framework Home Page, Australian Government. Available from:
- Protective Security Policy Committee (approved November 2014, amended April 2015), Information Security Management Guidelines: Australian Government Security Classification System, Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra.
- NT Archives Service, Appraisal characteristic statement for the identification of permanent public sector organisations records.
- Information Act 2002, s 145(2)(b)
- NT Archives Service 2003, Disposal Schedule for Records of Short Term Value, No.2003/10
- Information Act 2002, s 145
- NTG PSOs should refer to the Media Destruction Standard when disposing of records storage media.
- NT Archives Service; NT Records Service 2011 (Aug), Records Disposal Freeze Policy for NT Public Sector Organisations
- NT Archives Service 2007 (Aug), Transfer of archives (Archives Management Standard)
- Definition based on Information Act 2002 definition.
To find out more, contact the Record and Information Management team.